Vet Surgery – Surviving Post-Op with Your Furry Friend

Have you adopted your first pet ever? Learn more about the basic care and necessary veterinarian services your pet will require.

Vet Surgery – Surviving Post-Op with Your Furry Friend

25 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The prospect of vet surgery can make any pet owner squeamish. But you have to remember that this ordeal will be much worse for your furry friend. Thus, it is up to you to ensure that your pet gets the best post-op care and is kept as comfortable as possible. If you have never undergone vet surgery with your pet, you may be unaware of what to expect. And while the vet will furnish you with some instructions, there are some extra considerations you should have in mind to facilitate quick recovery for your pet. Below are some tips you can use to survive post-op with your furry friend.

Tip 1: Post-op feeding

In most cases, your pet may be too groggy to eat a hearty meal as they usually do. But even with their appetite diminished, you should ensure that they are getting proper nutrition so that they can receive the vitamins and energy to recuperate. One thing that you should do is ensure that your pet always has access to water. The medications that your pet may be under could dehydrate their system, so it is crucial for you to make sure that they are receiving increased water intake during the recovery period. Secondly, it would be best if you considered plain foods that are easy to chew when they are recovering. For instance, steamed or boiled chicken is a healthy alternative that they can easily swallow. It is expedient to call on your vet if your pet does vomit when in recovery to take your pet back to your vet surgery.

Tip 2: Restrict activity

Rest is one of the most critical aspects of successful recovery. However, some pets can be quite boisterous, especially dogs. So it is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is not engaging in excessive physical activity while they are still healing. Any sudden movements or overexertion could easily rip out your pet's sutures, and this will mean another visit to the vet's surgical unit. So how do you go about this? A functional solution is investing in a pen for your pet. A pen that is large enough to hold your pet comfortably but is not spacious for them to run around will be perfect for the first few days post-op as it forces your pet to stay in one location. 

Tip 3: Monitor the surgical site

For the surgical wound to heal, it needs to stay undisturbed. Thus, your dog should not have any access to it. Firstly, if the dog licks the injury, they could end up transferring bacteria to the site. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the wound covered. Secondly, depending on where the wound is located, you may have to restrain one of their legs. Take note that it is inadvisable to bathe your pet until the vet permits you to proceed.

About Me
Critical Veterinary Care for Your Fluffy Family Members

I recently adopted my first dog and learned how much I care for this creature. While the relationship is different than any I have ever had with a human, I can't say I love my dog any less. In fact, in many ways, I love my dog more than I have ever loved anyone before. As a result, I take his veterinary care very seriously. I have spent months researching veterinary care for both dogs and cats, and I want to share that info here in case you need help with your furry family members. Please, get comfortable, have your fluffy little one curl up in your lap and start exploring. I hope these posts help you keep your dog or cat safe and healthy.